Proven Methods To Eradicate Bedbugs

Although most people do not like to think about it, bedbugs are a definite problem once they have appeared. Bedbugs, lately, have been making the headlines because they are, for some reason, coming back in full force. The difficulty with these creatures is that they can spread quickly by traveling with people from place to place. Here are a few pointers on how you can prevent bedbugs or get rid of them if you are currently plagued by these little creatures.

Lara Smallman

There are a few things you should avoid doing which could potentially make the bedbug problem worse. One of these is to panic and start spraying insecticide everywhere in your house or set off a bug bomb or fogger. Spraying insecticide and setting off bug bombs may make the problem worse! Bedbugs will look for place to hide and scatter about your home. The chemicals may also be harmful to pets and small children. One problem with trying to exterminate your own home for bedbugs is that insecticides are not meant to be used on bedding, mattresses or linens, and spraying these items with strong chemicals may cause you worse problems than bedbug bites! Are you still planning on using a bedbug spray? If so be sure to read the directions on the can. Spray in cracks and other small spaces, where the little critters love to hide.

There are certain natural substances that can repel bedbugs. A repellent that is used in aromatherapy that works well is called lavender. To keep the bedbugs away, use lavender, which many people like the smell of. You can use a little when rinsing your clothes, and also when ironing. You can make a spray by putting a few drops of lavender oil into a spray bottle with water. If you must use lavender oil on your body, always used lavender based body lotions instead of the concentrated essential oil itself.
Bedroom Guardian from Lara Smallman

To prevent a serious infestation, utilize the tips already presented, and continue forward trying to find a way to eliminate them once and for all.

At your local pharmacy, you can pick up some boric acid powder which is a great repellent for bedbugs. This is a white powder that you wouldn't want to place directly on your bedding, but rather in surrounding areas. This powder should be placed in cracks and any pathway that leads to your bed to prevent their entry. Boric acid is also effective at killing cockroaches, but when it comes to bedbugs it's more of a long term repellant. You can vacuum frequently and steam clean your bedding, but if all else fails, an exterminator can definitely help. Having bedbugs is certainly a major nuisance, but it's nothing to be ashamed of. These little critters can enter a household in any number of ways, from a furniture delivery to a house guest who brought them in his or her backpack or suitcase. It's important to come up with a plan to get rid of bedbugs as soon as you realize you have bedbugs in your home, even if this means calling in a professional pest exterminator. Keep in mind, bedbugs may be tough little pests but you have the upper hand. With a solid and proven strategy in place, you will get rid of bedbugs!